Guahan Academy Charter launches investigation into viewer-submitted video
A viewer-submitted video sent to KUAM captured a tense moment inside the classroom during an apparent lockdown this month at a local charter school.
A viewer blew the whistle on Guahan Academy Charter School, sharing the footage of what sounded like a school employee using vulgar language toward the kids.
An unidentifiable person could be heard shouting profanity at students, yelling, “Some of you are running around like you don’t know where the f**** to go! It doesn’t matter where you go; Just get your a** in."
KUAM showed the concerning video to GACS Assistant Principal Maria Singh.
“Whoever sent that to you guys should come to us first and find a solution to the problem. I don't know if the voice of the person that was saying foul language is our employee or it could be a student that wanted to–for everybody’s safety to close the door,” said Singh.
She added the date the video was sent to KUAM is the same day the campus had to shelter-in-place after she said a bystander showed physical aggression toward a student.
“That’s why there’s a lot of students in that particular room–because we want the safety of our students while we wait for airport police to come and check our area for the safety of everyone,” she said.
She also confirmed safety personnel staff are the only ones equipped with a whistle.
“We train them with their classroom management, how to deal with students that are misbehaving, it’s also respect,” she said. “A lot of outsiders think that Guahan Academy doesn't care or that we just let students go and do whatever they want–but we have a big respect for each and every one of us here.”
After KUAM's interview with GACS assistant principal Maria Singh, she issued this statement:
"I am writing to address the recent video/audio clip that has been brought to our attention. It is important to note that we cannot speak regarding the content of the clip as it does not clearly identify the individuals speaking. Furthermore, I would like to clarify that this matter was not reported to any of the administrators.
At Guahan Academy Charter School, we take all matters seriously and strive to uphold the highest standards of professionalism and accountability. Suppose there are any concerns or incidents that need to be addressed. In that case, I encourage all members of our community to report them through the appropriate channels so that they can be properly investigated and resolved.
Additionally, we do not tolerate profanity and obscene language to our employees and students."