As an update on the man arrested in connection to a theft caught on camera at Yamaha in East Agana, KUAM obtaining a document signed by the attorney general's Crimes Division confirming defendant Robert Revels was released from prison on Monday. 

No charges were filed against him in local court. 

Instead, prosecutors note revels was booked and released. 

He was given a notice to appear in court on on May 12th, 2027 - that's in three years. 

No other reason for his release was included in AG's memo.

As KUAM reported, Revels was arrested over the weekend for allegedly stealing thousands of dollars in items including a utility vehicle from the local business. 

KUAM files show Revels was also arrested 2022 on a charge of hindering apprehension in connection to the killing of Stevy Villanueva, whose dismembered remains were found in a trash fire in Chalan Pago.