About 40 people from the Marianas now living in the states made up Guma' Sanlågu Siha at the 13th Festival of Pacific Arts and Culture. KUAM caught up with them in Hawai’i about what the experience has meant.
Heidi Chargualaf Quenga, executive director of the Kutturan Chamoru Foundation said, "We came together as Gima San Lagu Siha. 3-5 different gumas across the states. We wanted just to have them experience all of our island cultures throughout, with the 27 island nations here. We wanted to make sure that they had the ability to see the differences and similarities and be proud of where they're from."
The Foundation, in Long Beach, California, along with about 40 other people with ties to the Marianas united to represent those off-island at the 13th FestPAC in Hawai’i.
Like some on the trip, it’s Jenise Leon Guerrero Cruz’s first FestPAC. She lives in San Diego.
"This is my very first FestPAC. And it is meaningful to me because I'm able to bring kids from San Diego, California, who have never experienced, not only Guam but never experienced an island. And the key takeaway for them is that this is the first time that they were able to see our brothers and sisters from Guam and CNMI dance, chant and sing live and so it's very special for us," she said.
Daniel Mendiola and Tricia McDermott are based in Texas. They shared what the experience has meant to them, as Mendiola said, "This will be my second FestPAC. I was a part of the delegation for Guam for the 2012 Solomon Islands, and now I'm just here enjoying the festivities as a spectator and, representing our culture and and learning a lot more."
"This is my first FestPAC," echoed McDermott, "and my key takeaway was being able to spend it with everybody present, such as our Guma Sanlagu and to see all the dance groups from back home come out here from the Marianas. It's been a pleasure watching them perform."