The wheels on the bus may go-round, and so have vandals who have targeted the Yona bus substation. 

At around 6 a.m. Tuesday, bus drivers at the southern station noticed their yellow fleet had been tampered with, discovering cut wires to stereo systems in some buses and even missing tally counters to keep track of student riders. 

Linda Ibanez, Deputy Director of the Department of Public Works, reversed through the chain of events.

“When our bus operations personnel entered the sub-station, they noticed the gates–the locks were missing and cut off–so apparently, they vandalized 9 out of our school buses,” Ibanez said. 

The thieves even bustled away with tools, bus accessories, and the hard-earned personal items belonging to drivers.

Yona Mayor Bill Quenga hopes this is the last stop for the suspects, saying, “To whoever did this, please be mindful that these busses are for your brothers or your sisters or your family members–please, if you know something about this, please come to our office and report this vandalism.”

The incident comes on the heels of nearly a handful of break-ins to public schools reported just last week.

The search for those responsible is ongoing. 

Meantime, Public Works has security roving and monitoring the station.

DPW also plans to beef up surveillance by installing CCTV cameras at all substations. 

The police investigation is underway. 

Anyone with information is asked to call Guam police or make a report to Guam Crime Stoppers.