Officers forced to dump precinct trash off-site for several months

Something smells off over at the Guam Police Department. For the past several months, despite manpower issues, officers have been tasked with disposing of precinct garbage at transfer sites in Hagat and Harmon - and most recently in a trash bin that is located at GPD's Tiyan headquarters, as a contract for trash disposal services has yet to be signed.
To serve and protect. While the focus of GPD officers should be keeping the island and it's people safe by patrolling villages, solving crimes, and providing security at the public schools. KUAM has learned that officers at precincts have been given another task: taking out the trash.
Concerned officers informed KUAM that for the past several months, officers at the Hagat, Central, Dededo, and Tumon precincts have had to dispose of the trash off site at one of the island's transfer stations. In fact, the Dededo Precinct has had to load trash in a broken down Government of Guam vehicle, which serves as their bin.
And although, a large Guam Solid Waste Authority bin was recently set up GPD's headquarters in Tiyan, where they can dump their trash, the fact remains that officers have to drive either during or after their shift, some using their personal vehicles, to dispose of garbage.
The question is why?
KUAM through the Freedom of Information Act, requested documents from GPD relative to trash disposal services for the current fiscal year.
However, KUAM realized they were provided previous year documents, which included a contract for 53 weeks which would provide trash bins and pick-up services for GPD facilities to include all precincts, the Forensics Science Lab, and GPD Headquarters. The contract was signed with Lagu, LLC. It was to start at the beginning of the Fiscal Year 2023.
The contract, for $15,741, was signed by Police Chief Stephen Ignacio.
But once the fiscal year ended, a new contract was never signed for the current fiscal year and is still in the procurement process. KUAM reached out to GPD spokesperson Officer Berlyn Savella, who said as of this time, the chief is not able to provide information without verifying.