Meteorologist: Possible tropical cyclone to pass over Guam Tuesday


Word of nasty weather didn’t stop one beachgoer from enjoying his Monday morning at Ypao Beach. 

“I didn’t even know there was a tropical storm coming,” said Skay-G Resun. 

Yigo resident Skay-G Resun barbecued with his friends amidst warnings of a possible storm.

“We’re just enjoying life right now. Whatever comes, whatever comes,” said Resun. 

However, weather officials said beachgoers and mariners should stay out of the water. 

It’s the calm before a potential storm brewing over the Marianas and nearing Guam. 

“We’ve been watching Invest 95W, this tropical disturbance, for the better part of a week now,” said Guam National Weather Service Meteorologist Landon Aydlett. 

Aydlett added the tropical disturbance could arrive as soon as Tuesday afternoon or night. 

“The big thing we are concerned about is now a multi-day rain event. We are going to be dealing with potentially moderate to heavy showers with this disturbance as it pushes through the Mariana islands. But then once it gets behind us, we could be dealing with a lot of monsoon showers,” said Aydlett. 

The bad weather may develop into a tropical cyclone or depression within the next 24 hours.

He said the time to prepare is now. 

“The big concerns out there would be banana trees. If you have any bananas growing, make sure they are propped up with a post. But also tents, canopies, tarps and loose trash can bins. So secure those items or take them inside today,” he said. 

A flood watch is also in effect through Thursday afternoon. 

That means watch out for flood prone areas like Tumon Bay, Polaris Point and Route 4 near Pago Bay. 

“Be mindful if you’re going to be driving in those areas in the next couple of days as we can have some heavy rainfall. If too much falls in too short a time, there will be flooded streets and flooded low-lying areas,” said Aydlett. 

Critical infrastructures like the island’s only public hospital are also preparing for any potential flooding or leaks. 

“As everyone knows, this is an old building so we can’t completely eradicate the possibility that we are going to have leaks. We do the best we can and we prepare as best we can just like any resident here in Guam,” said Guam Memorial Hospital PIO Cindy Hanson. 

Hanson said there are protocols ready to put in place should the weather worsen, like calling in pregnant mothers or asking visitors to stay home. 

“We always take care of the patients first. If we have to move patients around, god forbid if it starts to rain or leak in certain areas, we have our patient couriers and supervisors and the nursing heads who will all be monitoring it if it gets worse,” added Hanson. 

Meantime, the NWS assures this won’t be another Typhoon Mawar. 

“People are still dealing with PTSD from Mawar, as are people in the CNMI in regards to Typhoon Yutu which was almost six years ago. But this will not be a typhoon. That is the good news,” he said. 

It’s good news for Resun and his friends, though for now they see it as just another day in the Marianas.

“We’re used to it. We enjoy typhoons. We like to shower under it,” said Resun.

The Guam Power Authority is also preparing for the possibility of outages during the developing weather event.

“GPA crews are actively monitoring and removing heavy vegetation near power lines. As the winds and rain approaches, it's important to ensure trees or branches near homes or businesses are clear of power lines. High winds with rain can impact power lines and cause power outages or low voltage conditions to homes, surrounding neighbors or businesses. Trees can conduct electricity and tree branches growing into power lines create safety hazards,” said Joyce Sayama, GPA Communications Manager.

Should the public see anything concerning or encounter a downed power line, it should be assumed it is energized and dangerous.

The community is asked to report any downed power lines and outages to GPA's 24/7 Trouble Dispatch at (671) 475-1472/3/4.

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