Guam Department of Education faces financial challenges for adequate security in schools


Seven break-ins in seven days. Talofofo Elementary School fell victim to thieves yet again, this time over the weekend and into Monday morning, marking a staggering seventh breach at the southern school in just one week.

In a separate incident Sunday night, vandals also broke into Jose Rios Middle School in Piti.

As education officials assess the full extent of damage at both schools, one question looms: Why is there no security stationed to protect these campuses?

Chris Anderson, Student Support Administrator at the Guam Department of Education said that partly, it boils down to a lack of funding. 

“The money that was asked for in the FY25 budget is crucial and essential for us to be able to place the appropriate amount of security that we need in our campuses to fully prevent people from breaking in and stealing from the campuses,” said Anderson. 

He added that GDOE is now in the process of working with funds it already has to procure services from security companies for foot patrol at campuses getting hit repeatedly. Still he said it won’t be enough. 

To note, GDOE requested $303 million for Fiscal Year 2025, which accounted for increased security; however, they were ultimately allotted over $200 million for FY25. 

“Right now, we have cameras and intrusion systems at our schools, but we don’t have active monitoring per se, and we don’t have active foot patrols in place at this point in time. So, the resources requested in the FY25 budget are gonna be necessary to fully fund those kinds of services we need to address this issue,” added Anderson. 

Nevertheless, Anderson adds officers with the Guam Police Department and Neighborhood Watch programs have been stepping in to try and put an end to the string of unfortunate events. 

“Imploring the support of the entire community to try and help find a solution with this issue that’s been happening with our schools being broken into. Again, with the appropriations from the legislature, too, to get the full funding, we need to get comprehensive security services in place,” said Anderson.

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