Competing bills on Mangilao Public Health facility takes over session


Dueling bills forced senators to start the September session on a rocky note.

Heated debate over a pair of competing bills on the fate of the abandoned Public Health facility in Mangilao taking over the floor. 

The 51-year-old building was shut down in 2019 after an electrical fire and has not been in use since. 

Vice-Speaker Tina Muna Barnes made a motion to remove Speaker Therese Terlaje’s Bill 222 from the agenda arguing her Bill 221 was introduced first yet has not been heard for nine months. 

Barnes’ measure seeks to transfer the facility to the Guam Community College for a health industry training facility. 

She said Public Health doesn’t have the money to fix the “extensive damages” to include “major electrical and structural repairs.”

Terlaje responded with her Bill 222 to reopen the building for Public Health to use again.

She highlighted testimony made by Public Health nursing staff who have been vocal about their need for a central one-stop clinic. 

Senators were divided in their opinions. 

“I haven’t seen a bill that talked about how we want to fund so we can bring Public Health back to their building,” said Sen. Joe San Agustin. 

“The insurance documents stated that the only damage was $600 to a door,” said Sen. Telo Taitague. 

“I think if we both had these bills, the Vice Speaker’s bill would offer more,” said Sen. Dwayne San Nicolas. 

“Where are all the services at Public Health? They are all over the place,” added Sen. Joanne Brown. 

“I think one of the biggest things we are going to continue to have is the shortage of nurses and medical professionals until we figure out some kind of resolve.  I think having a facility again reopen isn’t going to fix the shortfalls that we have,” said Sen. Roy Quinata. 

“Right now, I don’t know what kind of healthcare system we’re running. You want to do this, you got to go over there, you want to do this, you have to go over there, you want to get prenatal care, good luck,” added Sen. Chris Barnett. 

After an over two hour long debate on the motion, senators voted to remove the Speaker's version from the session agenda.

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