New Ukudu Power Plant about 91% complete, set to open Sept. 2025

The Ukudu Power Plant, nearing completion with 91% of the project already done, promises to save island ratepayers from digging deeper into their pockets for energy costs.
Now expected to open sooner than expected, the plant is projected to be operational by Sept. 15, 2025 as completed pipelines, fuel arrival is scheduled for November, and the first generator expected to fire up by December of this year have all contributed to the accelerated opening time line.
Guam Power Authority General Manager John Benavente said a 25-year contract with an independent power producer will mean even greater savings for consumers, even if the plant’s target opening date isn’t met.
“If they do not meet that date, they pay 240,000 a day,” said Benavente. “At least 5 million dollars a month in savings for you, the ratepayers.”
Still he remains confident the September deadline is achievable.
Benavente also highlighted during Wednesday’s Guam Chamber of Commerce meeting how much the new plant will aid in oil reduction, with the plant having 51% thermal efficiency.
“It will reduce 879,000 barrels of import a year. That's a lot of money; just think about 100 dollars a barrel. That’s money we’ve been spending for years that’s going to go away very shortly,” Benavente added.
In the meantime, Benavente said this coming February will bring a reduction in rates in light of the anticipated recovery of monies fronted for the levelized energy adjustment clause to aid customers.