Convicted child molester to appeal case before high court


Guilty of delivery of possession of a schedule II controlled substance, fourth-degree criminal sexual conduct, and child abuse. 

Defendant Justin Santos will now have to register as a sex offender after a Superior Court jury spent two hours deliberating. 

Santos, who is now convicted of molesting a girl known to him and giving her drugs, was allowed to remain under house arrest and electronic monitoring. 

“I believe that they didn't even take the time to sit down and deliberate on the whole situation. I felt like they were biased. First of all, there were ten females and two males,” said Santos.

Santos spoke with KUAM after hearing the verdict. He contends he never touched the girl nor gave her drugs. 

“The victim has a history of lying, making accusations like this,” said Santos. 

Defense contends police did a shoddy investigation.

“When you take a look at this whole case, what evidence did the jury have to convict me of, especially on the drug charge,” he said. 

His arrest was three years ago.

Santos admitted his addiction then was only to opioids and not meth. He said the justice system failed him. 

“I feel really hurt, I feel really bad and I don't believe that an innocent individual should go to jail for something that they did not commit too. The Attorney General's office has offered me plea deals but I am not going to take it because I am not going to plead to something that I did not do,” Santos said. 

Santos added he will appeal his conviction before the Supreme Court of Guam. 

“And I am going to continue fighting. I'm going to continue fighting,” he said. 

Prosecutors are seeking the maximum 26 years in prison. 

Sentencing is scheduled for Jan. 16.

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