Two Guamanians shot, robbed during trip to Mexico


Roommates 24-year old Darlene Mendiola, Jake Lizama, and Isaac Lopez, both 23, were on their way  back to cross the border into California from a wedding ceremony, in Ensenada, Mexico when the unimaginable happened, their car forced off the road way after Lopez, the driver, is shot.

James Mendiola is Darlene's father and is a pastor with Guahan Baptist Church in Talofofo.

“The gunman comes from the back, goes to the right side where Jake is and asks, ‘Do you need help?’ Jake says 'Yes, please help us.' When he said that, he shoots him [Jake] on the shoulder. My daughter was in the back screaming, and he goes and shoots Darlene three to four times. And somewhere along the line, with his pistol, hits Darlene on the face,” said Mendiola. 

Darlene and Lizama, who have ties to Guam along with Lopez, were stranded roadside, bleeding out, hoping help would come. By the time it did, Darlene and Lizama were taken to a hospital in San Diego, sadly, Lopez succumbed to his injuries.

“Overall time it took the ambulance to get there was close to an hour,” he said. 

Mendiola comforted once he knew she and Lizama were on U.S. soil. 

Darlene, was shot in the chest and the arm, a bullet fragment remaining in her because it's close to vital organs. Lizama was shot in the shoulders. Both are recovering. 

As of Monday, Lopez's family was raising funds to bring his body back to California.

In the aftermath, Mendiola received a call from Darlene's phone that was taken by the gunman. 

“I answered it, and I said, ‘Si habla ingles?’ Why did you shoot my daughter? Why did you leave my daughter for dead? I told him God knows where you are. God knows who you are,” Mendiola said. 

Mendiola also received text messages from the stolen phone in Spanish. Darlene's friend, was able to translate for him

“If you don't give me the password, I will come and find you and kill you,” he said. 

Mendiola's wife Rose is en route to be reunited with their daughter and son, who also resides in California.

Mendiola added the FBI is now involved hoping, the man responsible will be caught in the meantime. Mendiola is grateful for the outpouring of support during this difficult time.

“The world is really dangerous...but the main thing is to just trust God. I told my daughter, I don't want her to be so afraid that she's not going to do anything. I said, be wise, don't be arrogant, and trust God mostly…Don't let fear control you but rather the peace of God control you,” he said. 

If you wish to assist the families , Harvest Baptist Church will be accepting donations on their behalf at their church. If you have questions you can call Harvest Ministry at (671) 477-6341.

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