Thirty years is a big milestone and according to Jamaican Grill Co-Founder, Frank Kenney, it's multiple factors that have brought them here to this point.

“I like to thank the Lord Jesus Christ, and his favor on Jamaican Grill. Secondly is the staff-past, present and I'll say future that just outpours into  the company,” said Kenney. 

From the long hours, dedication, the sweat, and the stress that comes with the restaurant business.

“Just the buy in, the corporate culture, and part of that culture is giving back,” Kenney added. 

Giving back to the community and the real boss: The customers that come to Jamaican Grill day in and day out.

“They put down their hard earned dollars on the table for the product and the service we provide them. So ultimately, the success is from the triangle standpoint is God, staff, and our guests,” he said. 

Kenney also believes in being able to navigate through the ups and downs over the years, whether it be typhoons or small business challenges.

“Just being able to work through them with a good attitude, with good leadership,  can help, realizing that any challenge that comes across is temporary in nature. And overcoming the challenges and a big thing is also giving thanks,” he added. 

A huge thank you to the community for supporting Jamaican Grill as it celebrates 30 years and as their shirt says, “30 years cuz of you!”