December declared Impaired Driving & Drug-Impaired Driving Awareness Month

The Department of Public Works launched its “Drive sober or get pulled over” and “drive high, get a DUI” campaigns with the annual proclamation signing declaring December “Impaired Driving & Drug-Impaired Driving Awareness Month.”
Vince Arriola, Director of DPW, shared the proclamation's importance during the holiday season.
“We’d like to have a safe and a healthy holiday season. If we can go through a holiday season without any traffic fatalities, that would be a huge plus for all of us,” said Arriola.
Governor Lou Leon Guerrero shared the most recent statistics on impaired driving.
“Statistics show that drunk driving is quite high during the holidays and that ? of fatalities are from drunk driving. The sad part about it is that we can do something about it,” said Leon Guerrero.
As of Nov. 30, 2024, Guam has had a total of 15 reported traffic fatalities for the year, with five fatalities due to impaired driving.
The Governor stated that education and outreach is the solution for both the civilian and military communities.
“We welcome the military out into the civilian community to party with us. We enjoy your friendship and your companionship. We also want you to be safe, and anything you can do with your men and women to educate them also is going to go a long, long way to their safety,” Leon Guerrero added.
Linda Ibanez, Deputy Director of DPW, reads the proclamation.
“...And whereas, joining forces with the local law enforcement agencies to raise awareness about the dangers of impaired driving and increase enforcement over the upcoming holidays to avoid loss of life, debilitating injuries, and unbearable heartache. There are no excuses for drunk driving,” said Ibanez.
The proclamation ceremony ended with words of gratitude towards local law enforcement.
“I’d like to thank all the men and women in blue, in uniform, all individuals who are involved with public safety, keeping our roads safe, our pedestrians safe, and keeping our communities safe,” said Arriola.
A reminder as we celebrate the holidays: Have a plan before going out.
If you find yourself under the influence, call a friend, family member, or taxi to get you home safely.