By Rachel Seo, KUAM News Intern

Attorney General Doug Moylan urges Governor Leon Guerrero to reconsider her decision to allocate $100-million in American Rescue Plan funding to the Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority. 

The AG expressed concerns over GHURA’s potential violations of the Open Government law.

The AG and Governor have been at odds over multiple issues lately. 

The latest over the use of the federal funds. 

AG Moylan said this funding is crucial for addressing urgent community needs, including healthcare, education, and public safety, with only five days left before the legal programming deadline.

The Governor, however, has defended her decision, stating that she has the authority to allocate the funds as she sees fit, adding she has long planned to use the funds for a new hospital for the local community, especially given the lack of action from the legislature. 

The Maga'haga has said she is 100% confident that she will meet the deadline.