Attorney Peter Santos officially throws his hat into the ring to be Guam's next elected attorney general. 

"I am concerned for the island…isn’t that very telling that as a defense attorney I am complaining that the prosecution is not up to par and I am not the only defense attorney that feels that way. They are gumming up the criminal justice system and doing a huge disserve to the people of Guam. It’s not the prosecution’s fault. Let me make that very clear. They are in the sorry position they are in because the lack of leadership, the mismanagement that is happening and so we need somebody to step up. As I look at the legal community across Guam I believe…I am the best person for the job," he said.

Santos is the latest candidate to announce his run. Former senator Tom Fisher says he is thinking about it with at least a handful of others looking to take over AG Doug Moylan's job.