Any plans being made to build a hospital at Ypao Point in Tamuning could be off the table if the Governor gets her way. 

This after the Maga'haga proposed legislation to return Ypao Point property to the Perez family. 

It's also known as the old Guam Memorial Hospital site.

Governor Lou Leon Guerrero is now pushing to return the property after securing land in Mangilao for a new medical complex. 

The selection in Mangilao has led to lawsuits against GovGuam and landowners properties potentially being taken through Imminent Domain. 

Meantime, Adelup noted this proposed legislation will have no impact on the Cultural Center and Naftan properties that remain with the government via the CLTC.

While she calls on the Guam legislature to support this measure, Senator Chris Barnett has publicly mentioned his intention to secure the Tamuning site for a new hospital. 

Health Oversight Chair Senator Sabrina Salas Matanane told KUAM she needs time to review the Governor's bill and consult with the Perez family, stating, “While I recognize the urgency of addressing the island's healthcare challenges, decisions of this magnitude require careful consideration, not haste.”