CCU holds 12th Oath of Office Ceremony; elects new officers

It’s welcome back and on board to the members of the Consolidated Commission on Utilities.
The CCU holding its 12th Oath of Office Ceremony in Mangilao on Monday, swearing-in new and returning commissioners.
The CCU’s five elected members include Simon Sanchez, Francis Santos, Michael Limtiaco, Pedro Roy Martinez, and Melvin Duenas.
The commission also holding their first meeting to elect new officers: Santos will serve as CCU chairperson, Martinez will take the role of vice chair, while newcomer Duenas assumes secretary. Santos said, “Reluctantly, I accepted this chairmanship, but I was actually volun-told. This is the FD mafia; it’s one of the things we take pride on. But again, leaders are all lead, and I’m glad to say when you come from FD, it’s a great start.”
The CCU cu also moving to elect all officer positions for standing committees: Limtiaco will chair both the CCU rules and audit committees, Martinez will chair the finance budget and cyber security committees, while commissioner Sanchez will chair the communications committee.
The CCU’s next meeting will be held next week Tuesday and Thursday. While meetings with the public will be held every 3rd Tuesday of the month beginning at 5:30pm.