Attorney General requests more time to respond in Mangilao land lawsuit

Attorney General Doug Moylan is asking for more time to respond to the Governor's motion to dismiss the lawsuit he filed against her and the Guam Housing Urban Renewal Authority.
The defendants, being Governor Lou Leon Guerrero and GHURA, do not object to the AG’s request.
AG Moylan filed the extension request in the District Court of Guam today.
The lawsuit is over the use of federal American Rescue Plan act funds for a new hospital in Mangilao.
The AG is suing the Governor and GHURA, alleging misuse of over $100 million in ARPA funds without legislative approval.
The Governor and GHURA are fighting back, filing a motion to dismiss, arguing that the AG’s claims lack legal merit as these federal funds were not subject to local legislative control and are being used to address critical community needs.