National Association of Social Workers Guam Chapter condemns criminalization of poverty

The National Association of Social Workers Guam Chapter issued a statement, opposing the Office of the Attorney General’s recent decision to penalize individuals for panhandling and seeking help on Guam’s roads. The statement says that the punitive policies fail to address the systemic causes of poverty and homelessness, instead exacerbating the hardships faced by the most vulnerable residents.
The response came one day after the AG live-streamed its Panbuster operation on social media. The video showed the AG and his armed personnel ticketing people caught panhandling without a permit.
NASW Guam also said that guided by core values, they believe in the dignity and worth of every person. Criminalizing homelessness and poverty harms individuals already struggling with mental health issues, substance use disorders, disabilities, or the challenges of reintegration after military service.
They urge lawmakers to take immediate action to repeal these harmful provisions and instead collaborate with local agencies, nonprofits, and social workers to create compassionate, effective strategies that address the root causes of poverty and homelessness.
NASW Guam notes that as a community, we must recognize that poverty is not a crime. It is a condition driven by structural inequities that require systemic solutions. Together, we can foster a healthier, safer, and more inclusive Guam.