Resolution calls for full federal funding of Civil Defense infrastructure on Guam amid rising tensions

A new resolution introduced calls on the U.S. federal government to fully fund Civil Defense infrastructure on Guam, including air raid shelters, early warning systems, and emergency medical facilities.
With Guam's strategic role in the Indo-Pacific, the island is within range of advanced missile systems from adversaries like China, raising concerns about civilian safety.
Resolution 7-38 urges the U.S. government to authorize and appropriate full federal funding for a comprehensive civil defense system on Guam, including air raid shelters, early warning systems, and emergency medical facilities.
Senator Parkinson highlighted that existing military defense systems, such as the THAAD missile defense battery and Navy Aegis-equipped vessels, focus solely on military assets and do little to protect Guam’s civilian population.
The Pacific Center for Island Security has similarly criticized the U.S. Department of Defense’s proposed Enhanced Integrated Air and Missile Defense System for Guam, arguing that it lacks provisions for civilian protection.
PCIS Chair Robert Underwood pointed out, “While the EIAMDS aims to deter adversaries, it does not include air raid shelters or other essential infrastructure for civilians, leaving the people of Guam exposed to unacceptable risks.”
The resolution highlights the need for robust civil defense measures, citing Guam's historical experience during World War II and the ongoing strain caused by military expansion projects.