Department of Parks and Recreation collecting funds to benefit Los Angeles fire victims


With the devastating fires in Los Angeles, Department of Parks and Recreation Director Angel Sablan knows that there are many Guam families, loved ones, and friends who live in the area.

His agency wanted to help in some way as the path of recovery will be a long one.

Last week, DPR collected funds at the Dededo Sports Complex, the Chamorro Village Night Market and even at the Agana Shopping Center. 

The funds collected from the  effort appropriately titled 'Rise from the Ashes' will be presented to the Salvation Army Guam Chapter who will ensure the monies go to those who need it most in LA.

“What matters to us is that we are also a people that have feelings. People that have gone through tragedy,” said Sablan. “From there we've risen from the ashes and we're hoping we can help the people of LA who were affected by the fires and can rise from the ashes.”

With the initiative led by Park Police Chief Joey Terlaje, both he and Sablan are grateful for  the support they've received and thank Salvation Army Guam Corps Officer Maj. Eric Tumale for his assistance  as well.

“Open your hearts, open your pockets, and give what you can give, we've been through this before maybe not a fire but a disaster, and we know what it feels like to be down on the bottom, there is nowhere to go but up, so we want to all rise from the ashes,” said Sablan. 

“I just want to thank everybody who has come out. I know the contributions will go a long way. And whatever assistance we can provide, we'll help out,” said Terlaje. 

They will collect funds throughout this week but you can also drop your monetary donations at DPR’s office.

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