Three employees at the Office of the Attorney General test positive for drugs


Fighting the war on meth hit close to home for local prosecutors, as three employees at the Office of the Attorney General tested positive for drug use. The AG has ordered his employees working on the 9th floor of their ITC Building offices in Tamuning to undergo drug testing after meth was found in their conference room. AG Doug Moylan calls the situation troubling, saying employees that fail a drug test will be fired. 

Using meth while working in the Government of Guam and specifically for Guam's elected attorney general is prohibited. 

"The fact that there was individuals in my office that tested positive – that is troubling for me," he said.

Moylan confirming three of his own popped hot - failing their drug tests, while a fourth employee refused to even take it. 

"I can say that anyone that tested positive is under investigation, civilly and criminally but at the same time there is personnel regs that prohibit me from disclosing their names," he said.

Concerns about the results of the test made public after messages circulated on social media that his staff tested positive for meth. 

Moylan says the positive samples are being sent to an off-island lab for "more intense testing."

"This is not good and I’ll the first to admit that it is not good that the chief law enforcement officer’s office on Guam has detection of meth not physically but then there are people testing positive and I will be the first one to fire them if I can," he said.

The AG ordered all employees working on the 9th floor of their offices to get tested the same day he learned meth was found in their conference room about two weeks ago. 

Guam Police are still investigating how the drugs got into the building. 

"Of course nobody is going to claim ownership to it. That’s why I had everybody tested that day when it was discovered," he said.

"I need to look internally to my people to ensure the integrity of everybody that is working in this office  I do not want any meth addict or anybody addicted to meth that’s breaking the law. That’s the bottom line. People that break the law cannot join with me in enforcing the law. They either have to be on our side or outside of this office," he said.


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