The Duchess in Baltimore offers pub vibes with Chamorro soul

From the island of Guam to the streets of Baltimore, Chef Kiko Fejerang is making waves, bringing the bold flavors of Chamorro cuisine to an unexpected setting, an English-style tavern. At The Duchess, tradition meets innovation as Fejerang introduces Maryland diners and everyone who visits a taste of the Marianas.
The 39-year old Fejerang is making a big splash on the avenue in Hampden in Baltimore. The former Guam resident is the chef/co-owner of the duchess which offers pub vibes and Chamorro soul. Open since December, The Duchess is made possible by the partnership of Tony Foreman and Fejerang, who has been with the Foreman Wolf Restaurant Group for most of the past 17 years.
So how would she describe The Duchess? "The food is basically what I love to cook," she said. "A little bit of Chamorro food, a lot of Asian-Pacific-influenced cuisine."
And the customers can't get enough. "We have like the shrimp kelaguen, with the tatiyas, which is my Auntie Cil's recipe that she taught me how to make. And the shrimp corn patties have been taking off. I love that everyone's loving it, I didnt expect to be making so much of it all the time!" she said. "There's finadene, I make a denanche aoili that goes with the shrimp patties. They try it and they're like, it's really good and I'm like - thank you!"
But its not just about the flavors. The food has sparked something even bigger - conversations about Guam. "It's fantastic. We've had guests come in and was like, my dad was stationed out there, or it reminds them of their childhood, so it's been really awesome to see. We want people to feel welcomed, and comfortable to come out and eat food," she said.
She says they are farmer driven and it allows for a seasonal menu of incredible dishes. As for the ambiance? "It is a public house - it's a space to really get with a group of friends or family chow down and have good cocktails," she said.
And the community response has been phenomenal, as she noted, "I'm very grateful for the neighborhood. And for all the locals coming down to Baltimore. We've been very blessed and grateful for it."
In closing, Fejerang feels blessed to have such supportive parents and family, saying, "Throughout my career and growing up and just being there for me, is what also helps drive me to want to do well is because of their belief in me, and I just want to do well for them and represent the family."
So if you find yourself in Baltimore and craving a taste of home, Chef Kiko and The Duchess are ready to welcome you with open arms. "Come on in, we have something for everyone here," she invited. "The team works so hard to make sure you feel welcomed in to the restaurant."