The Port Authority of Guam Board of Directors passed a resolution aimed at enhancing revenue sustainability and ensuring financial stability for the island’s only commercial seaport. 

This resolution authorizes the General Manager to petition the Public Utilities Commission for approval of the 2025 Tariff Rates Revenue Enhancement.

The resolution formalizes PAG’s ongoing financial sustainability efforts since 2019, which include cost-saving measures, operational efficiency improvements, and a structured methodology to ensure that revenue collection aligns with the cost of services provided by the Port.

Under this phased implementation plan, the tariff rates will see an 8.5% increase for the first four months, followed by a 17% increase from months five through twelve. 

This measured approach is designed to mitigate financial impact on industry partners, allowing for a structured transition while addressing operational costs and inflationary pressures.

“This resolution is the culmination of years of diligent financial management, industry collaboration, and strategic oversight,” General Manager Rory Respicio said. “The Port has made every effort to ensure a balanced approach, one that protects our financial future while remaining responsive to the needs of our stakeholders.”

The Port Authority of Guam will continue to engage industry stakeholders throughout the PUC review process, ensuring that all concerns are addressed and that the tariff adjustments are implemented in a fair and measured manner.