Road Safety Reminder for the Week

Know What is Behind You

Knowing what is behind you can help you avoid rear-end collisions. Check traffic behind you often by using your rearview mirror, side mirrors, and turning your head when you:

  • Change lanes
  • Check your blind spots
  • Reduce your speed
  • Turn into a side road or driveway
  • Pull up to and away from the curb
  • Back up

According to Guam’s Traffic Violation Bureau’s (TVB) Traffic Fine Schedule

GCA (Guam Code Annotated) Code Description Eff. 01/01/14
Improper Lane Usage (Lane Straddling) $80.00
Failure to be Overtaken $80.00
Following Too Close (Tailgating) $80.00
Unsafe Starting or Backing $80.00

Guam Construction Update


Motorists are advised to drive cautiously through the construction zones, observe all posted speed limit and construction signs, and carefully heed flaggers (when present). Alternate routes and/or adjusting drive times when feasible are encouraged.


Route 14B (Ypao Road) Reconstruction and Widening (Route 14 to Carmen Memorial Dr), Phase 1 Cliffside – Tamuning
From Monday, 3/3/25 to Friday, 3/7/25 between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, motorists are advised that the contractor will continue shoulder work along Route 14B and on the sidewalk. During this time, expect minimal lane shifts and intermittent lane closures.


Islandwide Safety Improvements on Primary Roads (Striping and Marking)
TO-1 Route 1 from Route 1/Route 6 to Route 1/Route 11 Intersections

General construction activities will commence next week for the Route 1 Striping and Marking Project along Route 1, between the Route 1/Route 6 and Route 1/Route 11 intersections project. These activities will involve lane shifts and lane closures.

From Monday 3/3/2025 through Friday 3/7/2025 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, the contractor will work on Pavement Striping and Markings, from JM Tuncap St. to Spruance Drive. There will be multiple intermittent closures on northbound lanes.

No Construction activities are scheduled for Saturday- Sunday, 3/8/2025 – 3/9/2025.

Motorists are advised to exercise caution and follow the directions of flaggers when present. Alternate routes and/or adjusting drive times when feasible are encouraged.

Telephone: (671) 646-3452
Fax: (671) 646-3449