Committee on Finance and Government Operations mark-up session aims to enhance legislative process

The Committee on Finance and Government Operations held its first markup session for Bills 10-38 and 25-38 to strengthen the overall legislative process.
“Mark-up sessions should be a standard part of how we refine legislation. Instead of waiting until the session floor to make critical amendments, committees are meant to do the work ahead of time, allowing for more thoughtful discussion and a more efficient legislative process,” said Committee Chair Senator Chris Dueñas.
While some measures were withdrawn by its sponsor and others received no amendment recommendations, Bills 10-38 and 25-38 generated meaningful discussion and substantive proposed amendments.
During the mark-up session, committee members thoroughly reviewed the bills, debated amendments, and reached unanimous agreement on all proposed changes.
With these updates, both bills will now advance through the legislative process in a more refined and effective form.