Guam Memorial Hospital calls Office of Public Accountability audit incorrect and misleading

The Guam Memorial Hospital Authority rejects the findings in an audit released by the Office of Public Accountability.
Hospital leadership Thursday afternoon firmly rejected what they call "incorrect" and "misleading" allegations in the audit.
Hospital Administrator/CEO Lillian Perez-Posadas stated, "We assure our patients and stakeholders that we take and will take necessary steps to maintain trust and integrity in our operations."
She adds GMH denies claims of double payment to physicians for the same work, adding physicians are compensated based on their diverse roles and responsibilities, aligned with industry standards.
For the current Fiscal Year, GMH's requested budget of $232 million allocates about 12 to 13% to contracted physician pay. A percentage consistent with national averages validated by the Medical Group Management Association.
GMH added that during the Fiscal Years scrutinized in the audit, GMH was designated as the COVID-19 facility during the emergency pandemic.
Hospital officials stated the OPA report contains inaccuracies and shortcomings.