Major progress is on the horizon for the new Simon Sanchez High School campus in Yigo, as developers will be able to secure documents for the request for proposal starting in two weeks.

Adelup along with the Department of Public Works announced the forthcoming issuance of the RFP for the development of the new state-of-the-art facility late Friday.

Officials said this major project will be delivered through a Public-Private Partnership utilizing a Finance, Demolition, Design, Build, Lease/Leaseback, and Insure/Capital Maintenance project delivery method.

Under this procurement model, the selected developer will be responsible for financing the project, executing demolition of structures, designing and constructing the new facilities, and providing long-term capital maintenance over a period not exceeding 30 years.

“For far too long, the Home of the Sharks has been without a campus of their own. This high school serves one of our island’s largest districts, and its prolonged dormancy has not only impacted the students, educators, and the families of Simon Sanchez but also their gracious hosts at John F. Kennedy High School, who have shared their campus under double-session conditions,” said Gov. Leon Guerrero.

DPW anticipates selecting a developer by June 2025.

Groundbreaking is expected to take place later this year, with substantial completion in the Summer of 2027.

“This project is more than just about building a school but about restoring equity in education. The double-session arrangement at JFK is not sustainable, and we owe it to both school communities to move this project forward without further delay. We call on innovative firms to respond to this RFP so that we can deliver a high-quality, future-ready campus that our students deserve,” said Lt. Gov. Josh Tenorio.

For several months, DPW has worked with key stakeholders, including the Guam Department of Education, the SSHS administration, the Attorney General’s Office, and industry experts, to refine the RFP.

The new 300,000 square foot campus will accommodate 2,000 students and 150 faculty and staff.

Key features include: 

  • State-of-the-art facilities, including modern classrooms, administrative offices, and covered   walkways
  • Comprehensive site development, with sports facilities, landscaping, and irrigation systems
  • Specialty spaces, such as a JROTC building, a multipurpose auditorium, a cafeteria, and an audio-visual and theater system
  • Sustainability elements, including a photovoltaic solar energy system and a rainwater catchment system
  • A focus on student success, with a dedicated Credit Recovery Building and fully furnished classrooms equipped with the latest technology

The project is targeted for completion within 730 days of the contract award date.

Proposals from firms that can demonstrate the ability to accelerate the construction schedule while maintaining compliance with the project requirements are highly encouraged. DPW is seeking experienced and innovative firms capable of delivering high-quality, efficient, and cost-effective projects. This is a unique opportunity to be part of a landmark initiative that will be a defining moment in Guam’s education infrastructure. 

RFP documents will be available starting Friday, March 28 at the DPW Contract Administration Technical Office, CIP Division, ground floor, TMC Building. 


Question 1: How does the procurement differ from a traditional construction RFP?

Answer: Unlike conventional design-bid-build (DBB), this project follows a Finance, Demolition, Design, Build, Lease/ Leaseback, Insure/ Capital Maintenance (FDDBLM) model. It is a Public Private Partnership (P3), also known as a Leaseback RFP. It calls for multiple services that include finance, demolition, design, build, lease/leaseback, and provide insurance and capital maintenance over a period not to exceed 30 years. The developer selected will have a long-term relationship with the Government of Guam.

Question 2: Has the Government of Guam ever used this model before?

Answer: Yes. The Government of Guam has successfully procured and delivered Okkodo High School, Astumbo Middle School, Liguan Elementary School, Adacao Elementary School, and John F. Kennedy High School using this P3/ Leaseback model of procurement.

Questions 3: Why is the Government of Guam using this procurement method?
Answer: This procurement method is required by Public Law 37-22, the Ma Kahat Act of 2013.

Question 4: How does a P3/ Leaseback work?
Answer: The developer finances the project and leases the facility back to the Government of Guam for a period not to exceed 30 years. The developer will maintain the school during this period.

Question 5: What kind of company/ developer are you looking for?
Answer: The selected firm must demonstrate expertise in financing, design, construction, insurance, and long-term maintenance. Due to the project’s scale and complexity, it is in the government’s best interest to select a team with proven experience in delivering
large-scale educational or similar projects within the accelerated construction timeline.

Question 6: How long will the developer be given to submit their proposal?
Answer: The RFP will be available on March 28th, 2025, and proposal submissions are due on May 23, 2025.

Question 7: What kind of team members should the Developer have?
Answer: The development team should comprise:

? A financial partner capable of securing project financing.
? A licensed general contractor with experience in large-scale educational or similar projects.
? A qualified architectural and engineering team, including specialty consultants for acoustic design, audiovisual systems, geotechnical investigation, biological conservation measures, and hazardous materials to ensure compliance with design standards.
? An operations and maintenance (O&M) team to sustain the facility throughout the leaseback period.

Question 8: When do you anticipate awarding the RFP?
Answer: The anticipated target date to select the developer is early summer.

Question 9: How will the developer be evaluated?
Answer: Given the project’s complexity, Proposers will be selected and ranked based on qualifications. The Proposer will be required to submit a separate and sealed Term Sheet and Price Proposal, which will be opened for negotiations after the highest ranked Proposer is selected.

Question 10: What is the authorized budget for this project?
Answer: Proposers will be required to submit a separate sealed term sheet and price proposal that is within the budgetary parameters defined in Public Law 37-22, The Ma Kahat Act of 2013.

Question 11: Who will evaluate the Proposal?
Answer: The Evaluation Committee will consist of multiple stakeholders defined by law.

Question 12: What is the total building area of the project?
Answer: The total building area is approximately 300,000 square feet inclusive of covered walkways.

Question 13: Is there a pre-existing design for the new school?

Answer: Although a design was initially developed and near completion, it has been transitioned into a programming document that defines project requirements. The developer will bear full responsibility for design risk, ensuring that the final design meets programming specifications while incorporating innovation to enhance cost efficiency, improve operational performance, and expedite construction.

Question 14: What is the intended design approach of the new Simon Sanchez High School?
Answer: The Developer will be required to adhere to the programming document provided in the RFP, which incorporates extensive stakeholder feedback. While the project must meet the predetermined functional and educational requirements, developers and architects are encouraged to introduce innovative design and construction solutions that enhance
cost efficiency and accelerate project completion. The final design provided by the Developer will be subject to approval by DPW and GDOE to ensure alignment with long-term operational and maintenance objectives, minimizing risks to the government throughout the leaseback period.

Question 15: How much does the government estimate the school will cost?
Answer: The principal amount of financing authorized cannot exceed the budgetary ceiling and interest rates defined by Guam laws related to this project.

Question 16: How will the old Simon Sanchez High School be used?
Answer: The current facility will be demolished to make way for the new high school.

Question 17: When can we expect to break ground on construction and have the new Simon Sanchez?
Answer: Groundbreaking can take place later this year, with substantial completion in the Summer of 2027.

Question 18: Simon Sanchez High School was supposed to be built years ago. What has changed to ensure the school will be built this time?
Answer: DPW has worked closely in developing the RFP with stakeholders and industry experts. Stakeholders include the Guam Department of Education (GDOE), the Simon Sanchez High School administration, the Guam Economic Development Authority (GEDA), the Attorney General’s Office, and industry experts. Regular weekly meetings ensure that
the RFP reflects procurement requirements and the needs and vision of the school and community.

Question 19: Will the new Simon Sanchez High School have common-use facilities with FB Leon Guerrero Middle School as it did in the past?
Answer: The only common use facilities will be shared sports fields.