The second batch of 2024 income tax refunds has been released by the Department of Revenue and Taxation and the Department of Administration. Taxpayers who filed for tax
year 2024 and prior year error-free returns on or before February 09, 2025, can expect to receive their refunds within 10-15 business days.

The second batch of refunds, released just two weeks after the first batch, totals $20,986,504.00 and is made up of 6,298 checks and 1,723 electronic payment refunds.

Those receiving refunds via direct deposit will notice a $0 transaction in their bank account before the funds are deposited.

Taxpayers can look up the status of their return online at The status will indicate whether the return is error-free (A Status), or if there are issues that need to be resolved. In the event there are issues with the tax return, DRT will send a notice to that taxpayer through postal mail.

A taxpayer will only receive notification from DRT in this manner. DRT advises taxpayers to ensure their mailing address is current. If there are changes to a taxpayer’s address,
these changes MUST be made in person at DRT. This is done to safeguard the taxpayers’ personal information.

The Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) Form 8822, which is required for mailing address changes, is available here.

DRT continues to receive and process 2024 income tax returns, and taxpayers have up until April 15, 2025, to file.

Those who are filing with Form 1040 or Form 1040SR are encouraged to file online by logging on to

ALL questions must be answered, including the Earned Income Credit portion, regardless of  whether taxpayers qualify for it or not. Failure to answer all questions can delay or result in the outcome of a tax return.