Do you have what it takes to help members of our community in need?

Americorps is actively recruiting new members, as they celebrate and highlight the work of all members past and present.

Members get the opportunity to gain leadership skills, conflict management, team building, and professional development.

The recruiting comes as they celebrate Americorps Week, an annual celebration to showcase the impact the organization makes in the community, through service projects.

Americorps UOG Program Director Charlene Masiwemai, said, “We’ve done a lot also to help our island during Mawar, during COVID so this annually in the second week of March when we celebrate these Americorps members and the difference that they make in the community.”

For more information on how you can get involved with Americorps, visit the Serve Guam Commission Office on the second floor of the GCIC building in Hagatna or call (671) 735-2231.