The Port Authority of Guam legislative committee chairperson is planning to hold an oversight hearing. This after KUAM revealed details about the alleged workplace violence involving port marina manager Frankie Rosalin. The Governor's Office also chiming in after previously deferring the media to port management and calling it a "personnel matter."

What is Rosalin's employment status with the agency?

We've asked the Governor's Office and Port Authority management and still - no answer.

This while an investigation is underway that Rosalin allegedly threatened port general manager Rory Repsicio. Rosalin also allegedly damaging government property when he repeatedly punched holes in the GM's office door last Wednesday. 

KUAM News' reporting was alarming for many in the community including the agency's oversight chair Senator Jesse Lujan.

"We do not condone work site violence of any sort being down at the port or anywhere in the government agencies be it autonomous or line agency. It’s absolutely unacceptable and I am livid about it," he said.

Lujan is awaiting more information from those involved in the investigation.

He confirms he even spoke with former senator Respicio about it.

"We are a ready to hold an oversight regarding the situation down there so we are just waiting for the information to be gathered but this is totally unacceptable," he said.

He adds it is uncommon for an employee to remain on the job, while an investigation of this magnitude is underway. 

GM Respicio has since recused himself, as he is the alleged victim. 

Adelup initially deferring all comments to the port calling it a personnel matter.

But one day after our story broke, governor's communications director Krystal Paco-San Agustin released a statement, "We are aware of the information circulated and reported. However, we are not involved in the investigation. The Port has elected to handle this matter internally. Adelup is prepared to provide any support as necessary but cannot impose supervision over the matter. Adelup does not condone violence of any kind in the workplace. The Government of Guam has clearly established guidelines and protocols to help maintain a safe work environment for all.  To be absolutely clear: Adelup has not interfered with, directed, or influenced the Port's efforts to address this issue."

Meantime, the oversight chair has this message to port staff: "There is no place in any agency or private sector for work site violence and if that turns out to be the case you are going to be held accountable."

KUAM has also sent a Freedom of Information Act request to the Port Authority. 

This after our questions to port officials regarding Rosalin's status with the agency went unanswered. 

Port legal counsel confirmed today they've received our FOIA request. 

KUAM will bring you more information as soon as we get it.