Former Guam Memorial Hospital patient seeks accountability for medical negligence

Another troubling case of alleged medical neglect at Guam Memorial Hospital has surfaced. This time, from a man who said he was misdiagnosed and sent home with only over-the-counter medication.
His condition later required emergency surgery.
“That could’ve been me,” said Jay Kitson.
Kitson said he can’t help but think about his own experience at the Guam Memorial Hospital after hearing news about the woman found unresponsive in the GMH courtyard.
On Dec. 26, 2022, Kitson went to the GMH emergency room with severe abdominal pain.
Having undergone surgery for an intestinal blockage in 2009 while living in Washington State, he recognized the symptoms.
He informed hospital staff of this, expecting further evaluation.
“They didn’t even admit me. I just went through the whole four hour process in the emergency room, and they sent me home with ibuprofen and Tylenol,” said Kitson.
The next day, when his pain became unbearable, Kitson sought a second opinion at Guam Regional Medical City.
“They immediately admitted me,” he said. “They said I had a blockage and a severe stomach infection.”
Doctors at GRMC diagnosed Kitson with diverticulitis and an intestinal blockage. Conditions that required antibiotics and surgery.
“I just feel that they kind of put a bandaid on me at GMH and sent me home,” said Kitson.
Despite the mis-diagnosis, GMH still billed him more than $1,900, garnishing his 2024 tax refund.
“They billed me and I told them I wasn’t going to pay because it was a misdiagnosis,” he said. “I only had like $1,900 in my tax refund and the bill was quite a bit higher than that. I had to go down and put it on my credit card.”
He believes GMH’s lack of accountability is an ongoing issue that has already cost lives.
“Taking responsibility and being accountable for their actions is what needs to happen or there isn’t going to be a change,” he said. “It’s a no-win situation when you try to come against these big institutions and you’re just a struggling person.”