Governor Lou Leon Guerrero has formally requested copies of all Office of the Attorney General contracts from the Department of Administration today, as well as communications or memoranda from the OAG discussing the OAG’s justification for executing contracts without the Governor’s approval or signature. 

Guam law explicitly states that all agencies that fall within the centralized accounting regime, including the OAG, are subject to Guam law requiring the Governor’s approval and signature for all contracts to be executed. 

The request was sent following media comments by Attorney General Doug Moylan claiming that the Governor’s signature is not required on OAG contracts for procured services or goods.

“The more we learn about the Attorney General’s practices, the clearer it has become that he is picking and choosing what laws to follow and what laws to ignore,” said Governor Leon Guerrero. “The AG’s processes have not been scrutinized by the Legislature the way they have scrutinized other agencies, and he has not been audited by the Public Auditor. I am concerned this has left him with a false impression that he is invincible – that he can do whatever he wants without consequence. That is simply not true.”

Though the Office of the Governor has recently sent FOIAs to the OAG for attorney contracts, the production was in parts illegible and incomplete. 

This request was directed to DOA to ensure the production of a complete record of the requested material. Guam law requires the OAG to submit its contracts to the DOA. The Office of the Governor also sent a FOIA to the OAG, requesting internal memoranda or opinions the OAG believes justifies their illegal actions.

“The law could not be clearer: All contracts shall be submitted to the Governor for her signature. All contracts of whatever nature shall be executed upon approval of the Governor,” noted Adelup Director of Communications Krystal Paco-San Agustin. “Closing your eyes and pretending the law doesn’t exist is a terrible strategy for the chief legal officer for the government of Guam. The law says what it says.”

AG Dough Moylan responded, 

“We disagree.  This procurement matter was earlier researched and confirmed that our legal procedures are correct.  Further, her own Cabinet approved many of the procurements she now complains.  This release is just another in a continuning litany of factually and legally incorrect allegations.  It is a distraction intended to stop me from doing my job.

The Governor is neither the elected Chief Legal Officer, nor the Chief Law Enforcement Officer.  Her allegations using the taxpayer's money are reckless and many of these procurements were reviewed, overseen and paid out by her own cabinet department, the Dept. of Administration.

I chose to continue my path to protect the People of Guam against criminals and perform the civil duties required by Guam law to improve our quality of life.  Under this Governor's 6 years in Office with her cabinet picks, Healthcare, Public Safety and Education have all deteriorated. Her being cited by the elected Public Auditor for civil & criminal irregularities caused her to be investigated since I took office, leading to her administration having several indictments. Her administration's mismanagement of this Govt. along with her inability to stop the flow of meth hurting and killing our People propelled me into this elected Office to protect our People.

This Governor publicly stated at the 1/29/25 GHURA Housing Summit that she wanted to replace me as the AG due to my opposition of her $1B / 10 year medical complex.  See PDN article.  That complex does nothing for helping our People today with their healthcare needs.  Our hospital's structure and level of care continue to deteriorate with our people now literally dying outside their hospital rooms unattended.  This too has spurred legislative oversight to find out why.

Finally, this Gov. and attys. are the least qualified to accuse this independent & elected law enforcement office of wrongdoing. This Gov. has a conflict of interest.  She sued me in the Supreme Court trying to remove me from stopping her medical facility, and is now engaging in lawfare to weaponize our Courts to stop me from doing my job by either replacing me as the elected AG, or to remove me by criminally prosecuting me and my staff.  Again, if she tries to indict me, she also needs to indict herself first given her cabinet's direct involvement and approval of what she is now accusing me of procurement wrongdoing.”