Defense secretary Hegseth: America’s allies and partners in the Pacific are important

Defense secretary Pete Hegseth is scheduled to arrive on Guam on Thursday. It's known he will meet with military officials on the base, along with Governor Lou Leon Guerrero and Congressman James Moylan. Hegseth shared his packed agenda in Hawaii on social media, but there remains concern that he will not be speaking with anyone outside of the fence.
Hegseth is making the rounds in the Aloha State, his first official visit to the Pacific Region.
Meeting with civilian and military leaders from the U.S. Indo-Pacific Command.
First off, delivering remarks at the Daniel K. Inouye Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, a military school and think tank in Honolulu.
"I believe the 21st Century, this century we live in right now can be and should be and will be an American led, freedom loving century," he said.
Hegseth toured a forensic lab and met with troops at Joint Base Pearl Harbor.
As well as Marine Corps Base Hawaii.
Hegseth's trip to the pacific is part of an effort to strengthen alliances and partnerships.
"Our alliances and partnerships in the Indo Pacific matter a great deal to the U.S. They matter because the Indo-pacific is the region of consequence," he said.
Former delegate and chair of Pacific Center for Island Security Dr. Robert Underwood encourages the defense secretary to speak with the community who live off base.
"If they really value Guam as a location to operate militarily then they have to value the people of Guam and if those issues are not brought together then it demonstrates that at the end of the day the Secretary and maybe the Trump administration is not interested in what we think," he said.
Hegseth is expected to arrive on Guam Thursday to visit military bases, meet with military leaders and Guam's governor and delegate.
"Of course they are going to have a grin and grip, a meet and greet – that’s par for the course. But is it going to be a two minute opportunity? Is it going to be a 10 minute conversation? What is the delegate and the governor going to say?" he said.
Dr. Underwood hoping his visit is more than just a photo op.
"I would raise two specific issues with him – One is he has the authority to go ahead with this enlisted housing project for enlisted Marines and dependants," he said.
"The other thing I think he needs to hear the communities in a way that goes beyond people in uniform."
Hegseth's visit to the region comes amid the fallout after top White House officials inadvertently included a journalist in a group chat discussing war plans.
He is expected to travel to Guam Thursday before heading to the Philippines and Japan.
While he will not be meeting with local media, KUAM will bring you live coverage from the governor's debrief on her meeting with the defense secretary. Watch Thursday at 5pm on KUAM-TV8 and on KUAM News Facebook page.