CNMI Judiciary celebrates Women’s Month

The CNMI local and district court celebrated Women’s Month with Marianas High School students through a conversation about the legal profession with leading women.
Director of Courts Sonia Camacho said, “We hope this exchange enhances and promotes diversity in the legal profession [and] highlights women with diverse backgrounds involved in the dispensing of justice in the courtroom.”
20 judiciary professionals who are women shared their experience with the students. And for the first time, three women judges from the NMI shared the stage to discuss their journeys and offer advice to youth interested in the field.

“I was at age 34 starting out law school, so it's a profession that is pretty flexible in terms of what you want to do after high school and get a degree in something else, you can still become a lawyer,” said Associate Judge Lillian Tenorio.
And Chief Judge Ramona Manglona said, “This generation of students has much more opportunities than we had...You have an opportunity to see what it feels or could be like if you pursue law.”
One student asked the judges what they love most about being a woman.
“One: We are always right. Two: We get our own month, Women’s Month. But Three: As I sit here today in the year 2024 I can say I can do everything a man can do. I have the privilege to do everything that a man can do,” said Associate Judge Teresa Kim-Tenorio.